Happy Wistles

快樂的聲音 - Happy Wistles 經過7個月之後, 我的部落格終於有了中文名字 "快樂的聲音" . 或許你不同意我寫的故事, 怎麼不一定都是Happy Ending? However the comedy is the tragedy; 還有失敗為成功之母. 希望我所收集的經驗, 都可以換得你的笑容. :>

Thursday, September 28, 2006

NG-November 2nd to 6th,2006

Here is something about Drama and Music and Arts


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Now I understand

Now I understand why I desire to learn swimming so much.
My grand dad, who I respect the most in my family, was a general of navy.