Happy Wistles

快樂的聲音 - Happy Wistles 經過7個月之後, 我的部落格終於有了中文名字 "快樂的聲音" . 或許你不同意我寫的故事, 怎麼不一定都是Happy Ending? However the comedy is the tragedy; 還有失敗為成功之母. 希望我所收集的經驗, 都可以換得你的笑容. :>

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Don't say "cheers , 加油" to me

Believe or not , we love to say "加油" to others. However "cheer" is not fit for evreyone. Especially, when you're around by sadness or ill, you won't expecting hear people just say that to you.
So what they like to hear? "Oh, I know how do you feel." "I'm so sorry to hear your thing." Or even though just keep silent & be a listener or hug with who is in suffering.
I'm so glad to see my teacher with my schoolmate today. Also I'm so thankful to learn "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.與喜樂的人要同樂.與哀哭的人要同哭。(Romans 12:15)"


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